Welcome! We're here to help. Our friendly staff will be more than helpful in guiding you through your initial paperwork or if you like to save time you can fill it out online. The doctor takes the time to explain everything before and during your appointment so there are no surprises. On the first appointment you can expect an examination that includes a detailed history, instrumentation, static palpation, motion palpation, and often times x-rays. You can also expect to get adjusted on your first visit. Each exam of course is individualized to the patient and their specific needs.
In the begining depending on what prompted you to begin chiropractic care, frequent visits are usually needed to relieve symptoms and begin the healing process. Subsequent visits are designed to help restore proper position and motion of the spinal bones and visits will decrease. When maximum improvement is reached, periodic chiropractic checkups are recommended. These visits will help detect and correct new problems before they become serious. How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you. We are not here to promote lengthy and costly long term plans or continue care when referral is necessary.